
Sasa Tang,政治学 & International Affairs, presenting at Posters on the Hill, an annual event held on Capitol Hill

Sasa Tang, presenting at Posters on the Hill, an annual event held on Capitol Hill

Presenting your research results is the important final step in any research project. Over the years dozens of students have presented their research findings at conferences 和 professional meetings nationwide. By sharing your findings with a wider, general audience beyond your own discipline, you are effectively closing the circle on your accomplishments.

当你的项目完成时, you have the opportunity to present 和 publish your findings right here on campus via the annual 本科研究 Conference调查, UNH's annual online research journal. 调查 provides the venue for 大学肄业生uate students to submit articles 和 commentaries for publication; or to become a member of the editorial board that guides 调查的 authors through the publishing process. 阅读最新一期的 调查 和 learn more about getting involved, visit the 调查 杂志网站.

除了, you may have the opportunity to present your research at a conference or professional meeting off campus. Ask your faculty mentor about professional conferences that may be open to 大学肄业生uate researchers within your discipline. 的 National Conference on 本科研究 is open to 大学肄业生uates nationwide.

In the event you are invited to present at one of these venues, you may apply for a 研究报告补助金, which gives financial support for travel expenses 和 conference registration fees (but not meals 和 lodging). As soon as you receive notice of acceptance to participate at a conference, you may submit a 研究报告补助金 application to the Hamel Center for 本科研究. 

If you’ve done research in the physical sciences, 数学, 计算科学, 或工程, 和 you’ll be presenting a paper or poster at a national conference, you may also apply for a travel award through NH EPSCoR.

All Hamel Center grant recipients are encouraged to take advantage of one or more of these opportunities to put the finishing touch on their project. SURF 和 IROP recipients must present their research during the academic year following their research summer in order to have their research noted on their UNH transcript.

See examples of URC PowerPoint 和 Poster Presentations 


Tips on preparing oral presentations

的 UNH Writing Program also offers help with preparing for an oral presentation.


的re are several journals on campus where you can publish your research as an 大学肄业生uate. 

调查 is the online, multi-disciplinary 大学肄业生uate research journal of the 永利app新版本官网地址. It is published annually in April. 的 journal accepts submissions for research articles 和 commentaries about 大学肄业生uate research from current 和 recently graduated students of UNH only. 调查 offers 大学肄业生uate researchers in all the disciplines at the University the opportunity to communicate their experiences 和 results to general as well as academic audiences worldwide—the final 和 very important step in the research process.

哈默尔中心 本科生研究博客 provides another venue for student researchers to share their experiences with the greater academic community. 学生 are encouraged to write about all facets of research—from developing a research question to daily research activities to reflecting on the challenges faced 和 successes found.  Current 大学肄业生uate researchers from all disciplines at UNH are invited to participate.

Other publications at UNH include: